The power of unity 

We pray for a spiritual awakening in North Carolina. Our prayer is to see revival in all 100 counties of North Carolina. As believers, we firmly believe that there has never been a spiritual awakening that did not begin with the power of collective prayer. Therefore, we are inviting churches, ministries, and individuals to come together under the banner of Jesus Christ and pray to the one who hears our cries. We want to magnify our Lord and Savior in unity and see His power and love transform our state. Join us and let's see what God can do when we come together in unity to pray.

Pray NC 2024

September 21st
The Carolina Theatre in Greensboro, NC

"Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

 Mission Statement 

Pray North Carolina believes that revival in the Church, God's people & a spiritual awakening in the whole culture is essential – & that it is our only hope. We are a solemn assembly that gathers people from all ages, denominations, political affiliations & cultural backgrounds in prayer. We are Christians coming together to call upon Jesus, praying for our local churches and pastors, racial reconciliation, strong godly marriages, the unborn, our elected officials, first responders, our students & teachers & for revival. We pray against violence, drugs & racism in our community.  John 17:21-23 Jesus prayed to God that believers would be one -in complete unity - because that is when the world will know that Jesus was sent. Therefore, we rely on the promise of II Chronicles 7:14 – & pray for a grass-roots movement of deep humility that is expressed in repentance and turning to holiness by God’s people.

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